An innovative treatment option to restore your entire smile with just four dental implants

Significant advances in dental implant technology have made it possible for just four implants to replace the entire upper or lower set of missing or damaged teeth. These four implants support the permanent restoration such as a denture or a dental bridge, providing the structural support .This system is used when there is insufficient /deficient bone in the posterior areas.

Each implant can provide support for multiple replacement teeth depending on the bone quality and you do not need one dental implants to replace each of your missing teeth.

How do they work?

All on 4 implants is a proven technique in which two implants are placed vertically in the front of the mouth, but the posterior two implants are specially designed and placed at an angle. While using this technique at Vikram Dental Centre we use Nobel Biocare implants and have a very high success rate. These four implants anchor the implant-supported also called snap in dentures or fixed restorations like dental bridge and support the entire set of replacement teeth. It’s a great solution for people who have lost all of their teeth and do not have enough bone for All on 6 system.

What is the all on 4 implant procedure?

At Vikram Dental Centre the entire implant procedure is digital from start to end. After an initial consultation and thorough examination of your mouth our implant specialists will discuss your needs and determine the best line of treatment.

Our Experienced & Certified Implant specialists are trained in USA & Germany and have more than 20 years of expertise and experience in placing implants.

Your mouth will be evaluated using 3D imaging with our in-house Cone Beam CT scan machine for accurate assessment of the amount and density of available bone in your jaws. Our state-of-the-art Virtual Implant Planning software is used to decide the details of your treatment plan and facilitate the design and fabrication of the final replacement teeth. It also helps to construct surgical guides which enable our specialists to place the implants in the most accurate and safe position.

With intraoral 3D scanner virtual measurements of your jaws are made which assist in planning the implants and your new replacement teeth for a successful treatment outcome.

Just like other implant-supported restorations, the procedure consists of two phases. During the first phase four implants are placed into the jaw bone. Excellent care is taken by our dental specialists to perform the procedure under local anesthesia to make it pain- free and extremely comfortable. You can receive a temporary denture or dental bridge immediately after the placement of implants which will be used through your healing period.

The second phase takes place about 4-6 months later when the bone and gums are fully healed and bonded with your implants by a process called osseointegration. This is when you will receive the permanent implant supported bridge or denture.

How do they work?

There are many benefits of all-on-four implants.

  • As compared to traditional dentures, implant supported dentures are more comfortable and a natural looking alternative. They are stable and secured firmly so you can chew effectively and smile and speak confidently. You no longer have to worry about dentures moving around. Plus they are easy to maintain just like your natural teeth.
  • Since the implants are embedded in bone, they stimulate bone growth and significantly reduce the loss of jawbone.
  • It greatly reduces the need for bone grafting. So it is a good solution for patients who have jaws with areas of low bone density and volume.
  • With proper care the implants can last a life time and are an excellent long term investment.

Our decades of experience and expertise in dental implants have earned us an outstanding reputation of being one of the best. We pride ourselves in using dental implants that are backed by research and of the highest quality. All the implant supported restorations are meticulously crafted by our in-house lab to give you a natural-looking and amazing smile.

The cost of all on four dental implants depends on several factors including the type of replacement teeth the patients’ desire such as a dental implant-supported fixed bridge or a denture. Thus the cost varies from one individual to another. At Vikram Dental Centre you will receive high quality all on four implants treatment at an affordable price.

Schedule an appointment today with our implant specialists to find out if you are a candidate for all-on-four implants.

Average Treatment Time : depends on the number of teeth involved

Average No of sittings- 5-6 including consultation

Cost of 4 Dental Implants

Maps Location


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